Protoplanetary disks: Observational constraints Gaspard Duchêne GDuchene_ProtoplanetaryDisks.pdf
Protoplanetary disks: Models Geoffroy Lesur Lesur_Roscoff_JWSTSchool cours1.pdf Lesur_Roscoff_JWSTSchool_cours2.pdf
The formation of Planetary Systems Sean Raymond Roscoff_sept_2024_planetformation_3hrclass.pdf
Jets and Outflows with JWST Sylvie Cabrit
The synergy between VLT/ELT and JWST Lucas Labadie
JWST and Exoplanets. A. Boccaletti EvrySchatzmanSchool2024_Exoplanets_Boccaletti.pdf
Overview of the JWST Observatory capabilities: A. Boccaletti EvrySchatzmanSchool2024_JWSTObservatory_Boccaletti.pdf
Presentation of the JWST EXposure Time Calculator (ETC) Maël Voyer |
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